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Home Elements Custom Font
[mkd_custom_font font_family=”Montserrat” font_size=”25″ line_height=”43″ font_weight=”300″ content_custom_font=”600 + GOOGLE FONTS TO CHOOSE FROM”]
[mkd_custom_font font_family=”Raleway” font_size=”45″ line_height=”63″ font_style=”italic” font_weight=”600″ content_custom_font=”Choose Your Font From The Google Collection” color=”#e9003f”]
[mkd_custom_font font_family=”Libre Baskerville” font_size=”39″ line_height=”57″ font_style=”italic” font_weight=”100″ content_custom_font=”Choose Your Font From The Google Collection” color=”#282828″]
[mkd_custom_font font_family=”Open Sans” font_size=”30″ line_height=”48″ font_weight=”700″ content_custom_font=”600 + GOOGLE FONTS TO CHOOSE FROM” color=”#e9003f”]
[mkd_custom_font font_family=”Oswald” font_size=”43″ line_height=”61″ font_weight=”500″ content_custom_font=”Choose Your Font From The Google Collection”]
[mkd_custom_font font_family=”Poppins” font_size=”50″ line_height=”68″ font_weight=”200″ content_custom_font=”Choose Your Font From The Google” color=”#282828″]
[mkd_custom_font font_family=”Raleway” font_size=”29″ line_height=”47″ font_weight=”200″ content_custom_font=”Choose Your Font From The”]